September 10, 2011

Life as an MK

  1. Your life story uses the phrase "Then we went to..." five times.  (Ok, so way more than five. More like ten times I think.
  2. You think in grams, meters, and liters. ( Duh! Who doesn't?)
  3. You don't know where home is.
  4. Strangers say they can remember you when you were "this tall." (So annoying!)
  5. "Where are you from?" has more than one reasonable answer.
  6. You sort your friends by continent. (Not continent, but country, and state.)
  7. The nationals say, "Oh, I knew an American once..." and then ask if you know him or her. (It got us out of a ticket once...)
  8. Someone bring up the name of a team, and you get the sport wrong.
  9. You believe vehemently that football is played with a round, spotted ball. (Yep.)
  10. Fitting 15 or more people in a car seems normal to you. (In fact, fitting less than that sometimes feels weird.)
  11. You haggle with the checkout clerk for a lower price.
  12. Your wardrobe can only handle two seasons: wet and dry. (Yeah, winter, summer, spring, fall, non existent here.)
  13. The same individual also has to explain that red lights mean stop *all* the time, without exception, and you must stay stopped *until* they turn green, whether or not there is cross-traffic. ...and you still don't understand why.
  14. When you can't get past "Oh, say can you see..." in the national anthem, and you have to watch to see what hand to use. ( And I only remember this because of Jose can you see...)
  15. You go to a church you have never been in before and find your picture on their bulletin board.  (Or people I'm sure I've never seen before know everything about me.)
Okay, so I got these from: here. I saw a lot more, and I'm sure I could come up with plenty of my own. Still, these ones stood out because they are either true or mostly true. It doesn't always seem so obvious how different Mexico and the USA are. But, when you think about it... Well, they are quite different. By the way, the stuff in parenthesis is my own words. Hope this made you laugh. :)


elfantasmita22 said...

That is so true...yeah you can write about the life in oaxaca or the places you've lived

Andre Beren said...

I love that book! And so true as well!

Candy Panda said...

thats why it didnt sound totally like your style :) jaja yeah those were very true

Armand Moncharmin said...

I just love that book!

Aradan said...

nice... though I disagree on 5; it doesn't have any reasonable answer...

Cai-Jo said...

Very true, Arandan. But, you get my point, right?