September 11, 2011


Yeah, I know this isn't a real barbie, but you get my point, right?
I don't know about you, but when I hear the word Barbie I think fake. Plastic. I think of the "popular" girls in movies who have no identity. Everything they do is fake, is meant simply for pleasing others, or not.
Recently a guy at school called me Barbie. If it hadn't been this guy, who I knew was just saying it because that's the sort of things he does.. I would have been offended. After all, I'm not fake, am I?
Except, when I think about it, aren't all people guilty of fakeness. I mean, honestly, can you say you've never smiled when you didn't want to? Hasn't everyone put on a mask, to hide how they're really feeling? Or, when someone asks "how are you" your answer has been "fine" at least once. And we all know what fine means.
I'm not saying this is a bad thing. But, there has to be an element of honesty. You can't always hide behind your facade of happiness or indifference.
As a Christian, my identity is found in Jesus. By hiding my true character, I am hiding God's character. And that is a bad thing. So, just think about it. Maybe there is a time not to blurt out how you feel and what you're thinking. But there is a time to be real, honest. A time when you should be a person, not a barbie.


Andre Beren said...

What a cool post! And convicting...

Candy Panda said...

Wow Thats was so deep, here I am expecting a silly post on childhood or something and I read this. Like Andre said, convicting.

Anonymous said...

Remember that your grandma M is a "Barbara" and think of what a great comment it is to be compared to her. I don't know many women with the depth and love of God of your own personal "Barbie."