November 15, 2011

Happily Ever After

I went to my friend's grandparent's village for their anniversary over the weekend. It was awesome to meet a couple that had been together 60 years. I want that kind of marriage, the one that lasts forever. Yep, I'm one of those girls who is obsessed with having my fairytale ending. And, I am convinced that I will get it. Like I said in an earlier post, I am a princess. Shouldn't all princesses get a perfect prince and a happily ever after? Anyway, I realized it had been a while, and I needed to post something. So, let me know, do you plan on living a fairytale too?

October 30, 2011

The Life of a Princess

"As you wish...!!!"
So comes the voice of Westley as he rolls down a hill after being pushed by his one true love, Buttercup. This is followed by her realization that the bandit she had just slapped was actually saving her. She then proceeds to tumble down after him. (I was meaning to insert a cute picture from the movie here, but due to some technical difficulties you will  simply have to google images of westley and buttercup.)
This is just one scene of The Princess Bride, one of my all time favorite movies. If you have seen it, then no doubt you share in my love of it, and if you haven't seen it, then you must immediately stop reading this blog and go find a friend who will let you borrow their DVD. At least look for as much of it as you can find on youtube. I gaurantee you will find it filled with swordfights, laugter, true love and other wonderful things.
Maybe it's just me, but I love those princess movies and chick flicks. I am one of those girls who loves to dress up and will wear a dress whenever I get a chance. My quince (fifteenth birthday party) was so great simply because I got to wear a big dress and crown and be called and treated like a princess.
This is for once, my own pictue. :) So, if you click there will be no link to follow.
Yet here comes the even better part: I don't have to pretend. I am a princess.
Possibly you are laughing at me right now, but I can assure you I am serious. My Father is a King. Not just any king, He is the King of Kings. He rules the whole world, and I was adopted into His family and am now His princess.
So, while it is a lot of fun to dress up like a princess and remake the trailer of Princess Bride, I don't have to pretend. I am a princess, and my Father is the King.

October 20, 2011

Things I learn in Science Class....

Picture this only orange. Except, the drawing looks more like this:
Just not as cute, and with glasses and braces and spikes that are supposed to make it look like a pine cone. 

Now you must be asking what in the world I am talking about. This is what I was eventually turned into in science class today. An orange bear-pine cone. Yeah. I know, weird.

This creature is a mix of "Not the sharpest carrot in the garden," "not the bear with the sharpest teethe," " and something about the least pointy pine cone in the forest".

Sadly, I don't even remember what stupid thing I did to deserve these cruel comments. Plus being told that if I grew a beard I would look like my teacher. And reminded that I had accidentally called myself a guy the day before (although that was not at all what I meant and they all know it!) and a few more insulting comments. 

That mixed with how badly my teeth hurt from the spacers that I got stuck in between them to prepare me for the actual braces on Monday, and not being able to eat breakfast, and being late to school, and getting lunch detention because of being late, and the crazy unnatural cold morning, and the everlasting tortures that come with school- have not exactly given me the best day of my life. Oh well, now is when I listen to my old blog entry and shake away my bad mood and dance in the rain.

By the way, you should be able to click on the pictures to find out where I got them.

October 18, 2011

Refuge and Pandas

Psalms 46:1 is one of my all time favorite verses. It speaks about God as our refuge, our protector. This verse means so much to me, makes me feel so comforted. Maybe I am a freak, but I do still sleep with a teddy bear. A panda to be exact. A panda I got when I was five, and have had ever since, and his name is Panda. I know, I was a creative little kid. Throughout my life of constant moves and too many houses to count, this panda has been to all my houses. He has laid in my arms in all the beds I've had since I can remember. And it's comforting to carry around something that hasn't left or been taken away.

And, my little panda is not the only one who has accompanied me throughout my life. So has God. He is my refuge, and he hasn't left me and never will. He was here long before my bear, and he will stay here long after the stuffed animal begins to fall apart and be forgotten. My God will never leave. He is my refuge, He is my comforter.

October 13, 2011


So, in history we have reached the section in America's history where slavery was dominant. Honestly, this makes me so mad! How could anyone convince themselves that it was okay to call someone inferior, to treat them as property simply because of their skin? It disgusts me, sickens me, makes me want to punch someone. Instead, I wrote a poem, but this poem doesn't even begin to cover what slavery was like or how I feel about it. Anyway, here it is:

Too many people on too small a ship;
Tears roll like rain at each crack of the whip.
United they wait for false scales to tip,
Desperate they hope that their fortunes will flip.

Day in and day out they stare at the door,
Yet still the master gives one order more-
Forever they’re faced with some other chore;
Always a new owner to struggle for.

And each hard day turns to one more cold night,
And at the end there is no strength to fight.
So they are left only dreams of their flight,
Yet they hold to those dreams with all their might.

Years later their child looks back with despair,
For this “great nation” was built on unfair.
So cruel is the world that should have stopped there
With the first captured slave’s desolate prayer.