October 20, 2011

Things I learn in Science Class....

Picture this only orange. Except, the drawing looks more like this:
Just not as cute, and with glasses and braces and spikes that are supposed to make it look like a pine cone. 

Now you must be asking what in the world I am talking about. This is what I was eventually turned into in science class today. An orange bear-pine cone. Yeah. I know, weird.

This creature is a mix of "Not the sharpest carrot in the garden," "not the bear with the sharpest teethe," " and something about the least pointy pine cone in the forest".

Sadly, I don't even remember what stupid thing I did to deserve these cruel comments. Plus being told that if I grew a beard I would look like my teacher. And reminded that I had accidentally called myself a guy the day before (although that was not at all what I meant and they all know it!) and a few more insulting comments. 

That mixed with how badly my teeth hurt from the spacers that I got stuck in between them to prepare me for the actual braces on Monday, and not being able to eat breakfast, and being late to school, and getting lunch detention because of being late, and the crazy unnatural cold morning, and the everlasting tortures that come with school- have not exactly given me the best day of my life. Oh well, now is when I listen to my old blog entry and shake away my bad mood and dance in the rain.

By the way, you should be able to click on the pictures to find out where I got them.

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