October 18, 2011

Refuge and Pandas

Psalms 46:1 is one of my all time favorite verses. It speaks about God as our refuge, our protector. This verse means so much to me, makes me feel so comforted. Maybe I am a freak, but I do still sleep with a teddy bear. A panda to be exact. A panda I got when I was five, and have had ever since, and his name is Panda. I know, I was a creative little kid. Throughout my life of constant moves and too many houses to count, this panda has been to all my houses. He has laid in my arms in all the beds I've had since I can remember. And it's comforting to carry around something that hasn't left or been taken away.

And, my little panda is not the only one who has accompanied me throughout my life. So has God. He is my refuge, and he hasn't left me and never will. He was here long before my bear, and he will stay here long after the stuffed animal begins to fall apart and be forgotten. My God will never leave. He is my refuge, He is my comforter.

1 comment:

Andre Beren said...

Well written! My pseudo bear is a cocker spaniel.