October 13, 2011


So, in history we have reached the section in America's history where slavery was dominant. Honestly, this makes me so mad! How could anyone convince themselves that it was okay to call someone inferior, to treat them as property simply because of their skin? It disgusts me, sickens me, makes me want to punch someone. Instead, I wrote a poem, but this poem doesn't even begin to cover what slavery was like or how I feel about it. Anyway, here it is:

Too many people on too small a ship;
Tears roll like rain at each crack of the whip.
United they wait for false scales to tip,
Desperate they hope that their fortunes will flip.

Day in and day out they stare at the door,
Yet still the master gives one order more-
Forever they’re faced with some other chore;
Always a new owner to struggle for.

And each hard day turns to one more cold night,
And at the end there is no strength to fight.
So they are left only dreams of their flight,
Yet they hold to those dreams with all their might.

Years later their child looks back with despair,
For this “great nation” was built on unfair.
So cruel is the world that should have stopped there
With the first captured slave’s desolate prayer.


Andre Beren said...

Love it! You express yourself very well.

Candy Panda said...

great poem...esp liked the line about flight.

elfantasmita22 said...

very well written. every line made me think about it

Jamie Jo said...

I really enjoy your writing! Keep up the good work. You might want to add "poetry" to your labels. Someone might want to go back and read all your poems someday.