This poem was inspired as I thought about this brand new school year. I want to make a change in my life, and this is what this poem is about. It's also based on Ephesians 6 about the armor of God. Each morning after my devotions, I read that passage, praying that no matter what comes up during the day, I will stay standing up for my Lord.
It is time for a change.
Time for revolution.
I am sick of waiting,
Trying, hoping, saying.
It is time to start doing.
The revolution is here.
No more brokenness,
No more shattered tears.
I am done with pain,
Done regretting life.
My fractured heart
Will be mended.
All that constant hurt
Will be wiped away.
The memories
I wish I could forget,
Will haunt me
No longer.
Time for a revolution.
So I take up my weapons.
My love, my dreams,
My truth, my beauty,
My courage, my hope.
I won’t forget my gifts,
I will be brave-
Use every strength I have.
I put on my belt,
Keep it tight around my waist.
Truth is with me-
On my side.
The lies stand no chance,
Honesty will always win.
On my chest I place a breastplate.
I know I will be safe.
A life of good,
They are mine- my protection-
No one can take my life.
I strap on boots,
To keep my feet strong.
I’m running a race,
Nothing will stop me.
Standing on the Good News,
Standing on Peace,
I can stand forever,
Run forever.
Now I grasp my shield.
No arrows can pierce it,
I will stay alive.
Faith is everything.
I must believe-
Must trust my King.
On my head is a helmet,
Stronger than iron,
Better than gold.
I am saved,
That is my security.
I have salvation.
Finally, I take my sword.
The sword of the Spirit,
My King’s book
Of Knowledge and Love.
The sword shall be my weapon,
I can defeat all enemies-
With the words,
The true words-
My sword.
Now, all I have left
Is to take a step.
The revolution is coming.
The change is here.
I can start this war,
I can make a difference.
So, here I go-
Time for a revolution,
I’m ready,
Are you?
1 comment:
Awesome! Love it. :)
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